Національний/на експерт/ка з моніторингу, оцінки та навчання


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Національний/на експерт/ка з моніторингу, оцінки та навчання

Part-time National Expert for Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL), Ukraine’s Cohesion and Regional Development project, UCORD


Duration of assignment: 08. 2024-30.11.2026 with the possibility of prolongation

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Expected start date: August 2024


Description of the assignment context

Ukraine’s Cohesion and Regional Development Project, UCORD is a technical assistance project supported by Switzerland through the Swiss Cooperation Office in Ukraine (SDC) and implemented by NIRAS Sweden AB.

UCORD aims at citizens, businesses and public authorities to contribute and equally benefit from recovery actions and coherent regional development that fosters improved quality of life, resilience, peace and social cohesion in Ukraine. The project works in 6 pilot oblasts of Ukraine: Khmelnytskyi, Sumy, Ternopil, Vinnytsia, Volyn, and Odesa oblasts as the starting points, targeting capacity development and awareness-raising initiatives spread through the whole country. UCORD consists of three components:

Component 1 embeds the regional policy development in Ukraine through supporting and strengthening the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) in pilot oblasts.

Component 2 seeks to improve public services delivery in WASAW (water supply, sanitation and waste management) sector with a focus on the environment.

Component 3 aims at the construction of social cohesion through culture, dialogue and creative industries.

In this context, UCORD is looking to engage an expert to carry out functions of Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL) expert.



The Project Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL) Expert of UCORD has a main purpose to enhance the management for results during project implementation and ensure that the right information is available at the right time to inform future activity planning. PMEL represents an integral part in the management of UCORD and is a key tool for project implementation as well as building long-term capacities in PMEL among key project stakeholders.

It is expected that the PMEL expert will take on a proactive and coordinating role in PMEL of the project in tight collaboration with the UCORD Team. PMEL expert will also regularly liaise with the Team Leader of UCORD to insure timely implementation of the PMEL plan and strategic oversight of the results achieved.


Scope of work

The appointed expert will:

1. Ensure that the PMEL procedures described in the UCORD PMEL manual are adhered to:

  • Ensure that the project’s PMEL procedures are being implemented effectively
  • Conduct regular reviews to verify compliance with PMEL procedures and address any gaps.

2. Oversee data collection methods, ensuring the appropriate use of mixed methods:

  • Work closely with UCORD Component Leads to gather and ensure timely submission of necessary data and information, (including the design of surveys and other data collection tools)
  • Analyse collected data and report on project performance against set indicators in the Results Framework.

3. Coordinate timely implementation of the PMEL plan in line with PMEL annual cycle:

  • Coordinate regular inputs from UCORD Component Leads to follow up the indicators in the Results Framework and make sure they are ready to be reported twice per year in line with the PMEL plan of the project
  • Ensure all data is ready to be reported twice per year in line with the PMEL plan of the project
  • Compile and integrate inputs from all component leads for the preparation of semi-annual and annual progress reports
  • Prepare annual PMEL action plans and coordinate their implementation.

4. Coordinate Learning Events:

  • Organise and facilitate bi-annual learning events to discuss project progress, share lessons learned, and identify areas for improvement
  • Document and disseminate key learnings from these events.

5. Coordinate activities necessary for updating and refining the risk analysis matrix annually, integrating feedback and insights from the component leads, and considering current challenges, potential risks and respective mitigation strategies.

6. Streamline monitoring processes based on project requirements and outcomes.

Qualifications and professional experience

  • University degree, minimum Bachelor level or higher, in economics, statistics or other relevant topics.
  • At least 5 years’ experience in monitoring, evaluation and learning.
  • At least 5 years’ of experience in working with international development cooperation projects. Previous experience of working with Swiss development cooperation projects is considered as an advantage.
  • Proven record in working with results frameworks, theory of change, baselines.
  • Proven record in working with development and conducting surveys and evaluation of progress of achievement of project results.
  • Advanced training skills.
  • Excellent analytical, communication, reporting and interpersonal skills.
  • Self-organisation and good time management.
  • Excellent knowledge of Ukrainian and English is a must.
  • Knowledge of decentralisation, regional development and social cohesion sectors would be an asset.



The expert reports to the UCORD Team Leader and Project Manager.


Evaluation of response & selection

Interested applicants should send their proposals to UCORD no later than July 28th, 2024.

Applicants must be independent and free from conflicts of interest in the responsibilities defined by the Terms of Reference.

The proposal should contain the following documents:

  1. A short explanation of the applicant’s suitability for the assignment (maximum one A4-page)
  2. Up-to-date CV indicating relevant experience and qualifications, indicating at least three contact references.

The proposal should be submitted in English.

The expert will be selected based on the expert’s competence and suitability – based on the requirements described above. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted to be followed by an interview with selection panel.

Proposals and questions should be sent by email to: [email protected]

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Фахівець/чиня з моніторингу, оцінки та навчання / MEL Specialist


Менеджер/ка з моніторингу та оцінки

Фасилітатор/ка тренінгу "Параюридична допомога ЛЖВ"

Консультант/ка з розробки та проведення онлайн гри в реальному часі

Вакансія: Project Coordinator