Національний/а консультант/ка: Національний/а фахівець/чиня з аналізу непрацездатності


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Національний/а консультант/ка: Національний/а фахівець/чиня з аналізу непрацездатності


Education Qualifications
Essential: University degree (Bachelor’s degree or equivalent) or equivalent years of work experience in social sciences, law, humanities, development studies, disability studies or related field.
Desirable: Master’s Degree on related field, mentioned above.

Essential: 1-2 years of analyzing data and preparing a report based on key findings alongside the methodology of the consultant, to be discussed upon start of the consultancy.
3 years of professional experience on promoting a rights-based approach to disability inclusion and providing technical support on mainstreaming disability into policies and services for persons with disabilities in all their diversity.
Experience in Ukraine of working with governments, Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) in, Government of Ukraine, non-governmental organizations, professional associations and developmental/humanitarian partners.



Ability to synthesize knowledge and effectively express ideas in writing.

o Excellent analytical and writing skills.
o Ability to work in multicultural settings and excellent inter-personal skills.
o Excellent organization skills.
o Ability to produce written report specific to the humanitarian coordination mechanism in Ukraine.

Other IT skills

Effective use of Microsoft Excel, Outlook, OneDrive, PowerPoint, Teams and SharePoint.

Use of Language Skills
Essential: Expert knowledge of Ukrainian.
Desirable: Intermediate knowledge of English. A translator will be engaged if required.


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