Livelihoods Junior Officer\ Фахівець(-чиня) проекту


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Livelihoods Junior Officer\ Фахівець(-чиня) проекту

Estonian Refugee Council (ERC) is a value-driven non-governmental EU-certified humanitarian organization. ERC was established 22 years ago in Estonia and currently provides humanitarian assistance to displaced people and other vulnerable people in 5 crisis-affected countries (Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Jordan and Turkey) and different support services to beneficiaries of international protection in Estonia. Estonian Refugee Council works and provide help in Ukraine since 2014 year and now covered 9 regions with ongoing humanitarian projects and monitoring visits. Our Mission is to stand for the rights and well-being of refugees and other vulnerable groups in Ukraine and abroad.

We are looking for Livelihoods Junior Officer to join our international team!

The Livelihoods JuniorOfficer, based in Kyiv, Ukraine, is responsible for managing and developing ERC’s livelihoods and economic recovery programmes carried out in Ukraine. 

Responsibilities & Key Tasks

  • Carry out livelihoods programme activities in line with project proposals, programme SOPs, ERC internal regulations and in accordance with the prоgramme implementation plan.

  • Maintain a record of the implementation of programme activities and results under different projects they are involved in, and keep the project data and document repositories according to ERC knowledge management rules.

  • Ensure the functioning of project(s) implementation processes in close cooperation with livelihoods assistant(s) (guidance to livelihood assistant(s) on project implementation issues, incl. advice on the choice of relevant tools, activity timeframes etc.).

  • Participate in the development of project proposals relevant to the programme.

  • Communicate with and provide support to programme beneficiaries throughout the programme.

  • Participate in the development of and in maintaining suitable systems and tools to manage, collect, and safely store beneficiary information and other data related to the implementation of the programme activities.

  • Participate in the development of suitable monitoring and evaluation methods and plans for the activities running under the programme in cooperation with the Livelihoods and MEAL teams.

  • Cooperate closely with and provide timely input to the communication team to ensure that activities taking place under the programme are clearly and effectively communicated internally and externally.

  • Act as a contact person on behalf of the organization for partners, represent the organization at cluster meetings, etc.


  • University degree in a relevant field (management, business administration, or similar) or proven equivalent 1-3 years working experience.

  • Prior experience with business development is an asset.

  • High-level language skills in English and Ukrainian and/or Russian.

  • Strong interpersonal skills: must be able to work collaboratively, manage professional relationships, manage in multicultural settings, provide and receive feedback constructively, be solution-oriented, meet and communicate deadlines effectively.

  • Ability to deal with stressful situations and environments.

What do we offer:

  • competitive salary
  • sports compensation
  • 28 vacation days
  • international environment
  • Location: Kyiv
  • work from home a few days per month
  • official employment
  • salary transferred twice per month

How to apply

Send your CV and Cover letter in English with a title «Livelihoods Junior Officer» to email [email protected]

Please, also mention your salary expectations.

Learn more about Estonian Refugee Council here:

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Незалежний/а консультант/ка для проведення зовнішньої фінальної оцінки проєкту, що був реалізований за підтримки ЄС / Independent consultant to conduct an external final evaluation of the project funded by the EU

Вакансія: Call for expression of interest (Designers)

Закупівля експертних послуг з розробки навчальної програми та проведення шести триденних тренінгів з реінтеграції дітей у біологічні родини для 20-ти громад Волинської області

Менеджер/ка із закупівель

Водій_ка / Driver, NPSA-3, (DS- Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Uzhgorod), National рosition

Керівник/керівниця напряму комунікацій