Консультант/ка з розробки тренінгового курсу “Державне управління у сфері молодіжної політики”


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Консультант/ка з розробки тренінгового курсу “Державне управління у сфері молодіжної політики”


The project “Civil Society for Enhanced Democracy and Human Rights in Ukraine” (2017-2022) funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a nation-scale 5-year initiative which runs from 1st April 2017 until 31st March 2022. The project aims to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations to promote democracy and build a constructive dialogue between the government and civil society organizations which is based on citizen participation at all levels in Ukraine. It will also help develop and strengthen human rights actors to promote and protect human rights in Ukraine, and to increase the level of youth civic engagement and youth participation in decision-making processes at all levels.

One of the thematic priorities of the project is increased youth civic engagement and participation in the decision-making process, promotion of volunteerism at all levels through the specialized training of youth workers on civic education; support of local initiatives of youth CSOs and informal youth groups in the fields of democratization and human rights with support of more experienced CSOs; engaging youth in volunteering for civil society organizations at the national and subnational levels.

UNDP is a long-standing partner of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in developing and implementing initiatives for and with young people of Ukraine. With regards to the youth civic engagement, the project has further elaborated the Youth Worker Programme launched in 2014 with the support of UNDP Ukraine and in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine (hereinafter – the Ministry) and the State Institute for Family and Youth Policy. Six years realization of the programme allows improving the professional background of representatives of civil servants’ and civil society organizations’ work with young people aimed at increasing the number of young people who participate in shaping youth policy and in enhancing cooperation between government and CSOs on youth issues. The Youth Worker Programme is included in the Action Plan for Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and Concept of Youth Development Strategy 2016-2020, is defined as one of the priorities of the State Program ‘’Youth of Ukraine 2016-2020’’, and is recognized at the state level by Governmental Decree ? 4334 “On the Realization of the Youth Worker Programme”. Since 2014, more than 3500 youth workers from 24 regions of Ukraine have participated in Basic training of the programme. More than 50 partner organizations are involved annually in implementing the program in all regions of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine requested UNDP to support the development of the Concept of State Target Programme ‘’Youth of Ukraine 2021- 2025’’, which is a key strategic policy document for subnational authorities on development and implementation of local youth policies. It is envisioned that the implementation of the Programme will increase the level of youth participation in the social and political life of Ukraine. In particular, the programme should provide for joint and coordinated action by the executive authorities in partnership with civil society and involvement of young people. The Concept was adopted by Government in December 2021. 

The process of developing and updating subnational target social youth programs in accordance with the adopted Programme will begin in 2021. On the request of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, UNDP plans to develop an appropriate training course for the representatives of departments and units responsible for implementation youth policy in subnational public administrations with the aim to prepare subnational authorities during the process of target social programme elaboration. The specialized course will be a part of the State Youth Worker Programme.

Duties and Responsibilities


The overall goal of the assignment is to develop a specialized training course ‘’Public administration of the youth policy’’ for civil servants responsible for implementation of youth policy in subnational public administration. The developed training programme should be suitable to be conducted in offline and online mode.


Under supervision of the UNDP Civil Society Project Coordinator the incumbent will be responsible for the following activities:

  • Develop an online questionnaire for civil servants, prospective participants of the training;
  • Analyze the civil servants training needs with regards to the development of subnational target social youth programmes and prepare recommendations for the content of the course materials;
  • Develop a detailed training programme with the overall length of 3 days (24 learning hours);
  • Develop the informational materials for dissemination/ brochure for participants of the training, which may include but should not be limited to methodological recommendations on the principles of development of the subnational programmes, examples of legal documents necessary for the development of the programme and glossary;
  • Conduct 3 pilot offline trainings for at least 60 participants. If the quarantine restrictions due to COVID-19 do not allow for offline training mode, the training activities should be conducted in an online mode;
  • Collect the participants’ feedback and recommendations on content of the training and dissemination materials;
  • Finalize content and dissemination materials for the training based on the received feedback and recommendations;
  • Prepare a summary report with recommendations for the future implementation of the training course.


Deliverable #

Task description

Deadline for deliverable

Deliverable 1

Conduct an analysis of the civil servants’ training needs with regards to the development of subnational  youth programmes and prepare recommendations for the content of the training course modules


Following the programme objectives, the consultant is expected to prepare an analytical paper with recommendations on the training needs of civil servants responsible for youth policy on subnational level. The information should be collected using the following tools:

  • an online survey with participation of at least 50 respondents) (list of respondents will be provided by UNDP in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports),
  • individual interviews (at least 3) with representatives of the local public administrations and Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine (list of interviewers will be provided by UNDP in cooperation with Ministry of Youth and Sports).


Output: An analytical paper is produced (at least 5 pages, A4, Calibri font, font size 11, single spacing). Initial findings discussed in a briefing session with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and UNDP teams.

30 June 2021

Deliverable 2

Development of a detailed training programme  ‘’Public administration of the Youth Policy” 


Following the programme objectives, the consultant is expected to develop a detailed manual with methodology of the specialized training course based on analysis of the civil servants’ training needs.


The manual should include:

  • Brief description of the trainings (purpose, objectives, expected results);
  • Detailed 3-day training agenda (24 learning hours);
  • Trainer’s guide with presentations, handouts, cases and practical exercises to be used in course;
  • Glossary;
  • Pre- and post-training questionnaires on the subject;
  • List of the reference materials and home reading on the topic;
  • Additional tips, information and guidance that will be useful for the participants in their future activities.


Output: the manual is developed, finalised according to the comments and approved by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and UNDP (at least 20 pages, A4, Calibri font, font size 11, single spacing).

30 July 2021

Deliverable 3

Development of the informational materials and/ brochure for participants of the training.


Following the programme objectives, the consultant is expected to develop a set of information materials and brochure for participants. The materials should contain:

  • methodological recommendations on the principles of development of the subnational target social programmes,
  • examples of legal documents needed for development of the social target programme,
  • a glossary.

Output: informational materials in line with the requirements above are developed, finalised according to the comments and approved by the Ministry and UNDP (at least 10 pages, A4, Calibri font, font size 11, single spacing).

1 September 2021

Deliverable 4

Conduct 3 pilot offline (or online) trainings for at least 60 participants and prepare the final report with recommendations for future implementation of the course.


Following the programme objectives, the consultant is expected:

  • to conduct 3 pilot trainings with aim to test format and methodology of the training programme, collect feedback from participants and finalize the training programme (the logistics of the training will be organized by UNDP and Ministry of Youth and Sports),
  • to prepare a summary report with recommendations for future implementation of the training course by Ministry of Youth and Sports within Youth Worker Programme, which should be based on participants’ feedback and consultant’s observations during the pilot trainings.


Output: 3 pilot trainings for at least 60 participants are conducted in offline or online mode based on the quarantine requirements, feedback from participants is collected and analysed, training programme is finalized and submitted for approval to the Ministry and UNDP. The report is prepared and approved by UNDP (at least 10pages, A4, Calibri font, font size 11, single spacing).

10 December 2021


The Contractor shall report to the Civil Society Project Coordinator. The payments shall be arranged in stages in accordance with the proposed payment scheme below and upon acceptance of the deliverables based on quality control and recommendations. UNDP will be the ultimate authority to control the quality of work results and assess the Contractor’s performance during the assignment.

The final product shall be submitted to UNDP no later than 10 December 2021.

The Contractor shall provide the necessary information and reports according to a preliminary determined schedule or as soon as possible (within a reasonable period of time).

In case any public events are planned jointly by the Consultant and UNDP as part of the present assignment, the Consultant will not be responsible for logistics of events. UNDP will cover the conference costs (including possible printing, food, accommodation and etc.) on its own.

UNDP will provide payments upon provision of deliverables duly certified by UNDP in accordance with the table above. In particular, the payment schedule will be as follows:

Deliverable 1.  25%
Deliverable 2.  25%
Deliverable 3.  25%
Deliverable 4.  25%


  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism;
  • Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

Required Skills and Experience


  • At least Master’s degree in social sciences, international relations, political science or related field;
  • At least 3 years of experience in developing education materials and conducting training, preferably in the area of youth policy; experience of developing education materials for civil servants will be considered an asset;
  • At least 2 years of experience in developing youth policy documents;
  • Fluent writing, editing, and oral communication skills in Ukrainian.


  • CV, including information about experience in similar projects / assignments as well as the email and telephone contacts of at least three (3) professional references.
  • Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP including Financial proposal.
  • One sample of the manual or trainer’s guide developed by the applicant and one sample of the youth policy strategic document (s) developed by the applicant.


Lump sum contract

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in instalments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a Breakdown of Cost by Components.

Travel costs

Should any travel be necessary in connection to this TOR, UNDP will reimburse the expenses based on the duly authorized travel details, including travel and per diems. In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources. In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.


  • Educational background – 5 points max
    • 5 pts – PhD in social sciences, international relations, political science or related field;
    • 3 pts – Master’s degree in social sciences, international relations, political science or related field;
  • Experience in developing education material and conducting training, preferably in the area of youth policy – 18 points max
    • 18 pts – over 6 years of relevant experience;
    • 16 pts – between 4 and 5 years of relevant experience;
    • 14 pts – at least 3 years of relevant experience.
  • Experience of developing education materials for civil servants – 5 points max
    • 5 pts – experience of developing education materials for civil servants ;
    • 0 pts – no experience.
  • Experience in developing youth policy documents – 19 points max
    • 19 pts – over 5 years;
    • 17 pts – between 3 and 4 years;
    • 14 pts – at least 2 years.
  • Quality of the writing samples – 18 points max
    • 18 pts – the extracts present a top-quality, cogent, well-articulated practical assessment of an issue at hand with practical advice on the way forwards;
    • 16 pts – a generally well-developed, well-grounded assessments of an issue at hand with meaning conveyed clearly;
    • 13 pts – present the assessment of an issue at hand with acceptable clarity with a trend to academism or unnecessary vagueness, generally demonstrates control of the conventions of standard written language;
  • Language Skills – 5 points max
  • 5 pts – Fluent writing, editing, and oral communication skills in Ukrainian.

Maximum available technical score – 70 points.

Evaluation method:

Cumulative analysis

Contract award shall be made to the incumbent whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
b) having received the cumulative highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

* Technical Criteria weight: 70%

* Financial Criteria weight: 30%

Only candidates obtaining a minimum 70% from the maximum available technical score (49 points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation

The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal and will equal to 30. All other price proposals will be evaluated and assigned points, as per below formula:

30 points [max points available for financial part] x [lowest of all evaluated offered prices among responsive offers] / [evaluated price].

The proposal obtaining the overall cumulatively highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal and the financial proposal will be considered as the most compliant offer. After successful completion of the validation interview the offeror will be awarded a contract.

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