Керівник проекту ProZorro.Sale


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Керівник проекту ProZorro.Sale

The objective of reform initiative is to develop an electronic asset sales system and make it operational based on ProZorro principles and architecture, allowing to significantly decrease corruption by implementing an IT system of transparent asset sales. The role of the Project Lead is to coordinate the overall project implementation, conduct the specific streams and perform general activities related to the project’s administration and maintain relationships with stakeholders.

Project Lead will be responsible for consolidation of the efforts of various project team members (project managers, legal advisors, technical and it- coordinators, monitoring managers etc.) in the process of attraction of new parties into the Electronic Trading System and establishment of the technological and business process links between them.

Terms of Reference:tor_project_lead_prozorro_sale_15_06.pdf

The closing date for applications: June 15, 2018

Please send your applications to: [email protected]

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Менеджер/ка напряму навчання


Асистент/ка проєктного менеджера

Психолог/иня у Центр підтримки жінок Ржищівської громади

Вакансія: Project Coordinator on Urban Infrastructure and Resilience

Менеджер/ка проєкту