Кандидати/ки для 5-річної програми RevGRO


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Кандидати/ки для 5-річної програми RevGRO

Call for Resumes: Anticipated USAID Ukraine Revenue and Expenditure Governance Reforms Operationalized (RevGRO) Activity

About International Development Group LLC: International Development Group LLC (IDG) is a US-based international development consulting firm dedicated to fostering sustainable, broad-based economic development and poverty reduction.

Project Overview: IDG is currently seeking qualified candidates from Ukraine for various roles within the upcoming 5-year RevGRO Activity. The purpose of the RevGRO Activity is to promote fiscal resilience, transparency, and accountability by enhancing Government of Ukraine revenue generation and financial management. The Activity will achieve this overarching aim by advancing three core objectives:

  1. Increase national revenue mobilization through support to tax and customs policy, administration, and institutional reforms.
  2. Strengthen public investment management, expenditure management, and audits in line with international standards.
  3. Enhance civic oversight and private sector engagement in fiscal policy.

IDG is seeking both long- and short-term experts with 7+ years of relevant experience in the below technical areas. Ukrainian nationals are strongly encouraged to apply.

  • Public financial management
  • Customs policy, administration, institutional reforms
  • Public Investment Management
  • Expenditure management / Government budget planning
  • Public sector audit
  • Public Private Partnerships
  • Civic engagement and oversight in fiscal policy
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
  • Strategic communications
  • Project operations and finance
  • Tax policy, administration, institutional reforms
  • Private sector engagement 

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as accounting, finance, economics, public administration, business administration, public policy and management, social sciences, audit, or a related field. Advanced degrees preferred.
  • 7+ years of relevant professional experience in area(s) of expertise;
  • Experience working in Ukraine;
  • Professional level of verbal and written fluency in English.

Submission Guidelines:

Please email your CV to [email protected] by July 31, 2024.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Старший/а менеджер/ка з досліджень / Senior Research Manager

Recruiter/ Спеціаліст(ка) з підбору персоналу (STTA/короткострокова посада )

Aсистент/ка відділу персоналу/ HR assistant

Human Resources Officer PSU Ukraine / Фахівець з управління персоналом PSU Україна

Офіс адміністратор/ка

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