Grants officer – Kharkiv / Грантовий/а офіцер/ка – Харків


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Petr Base


HELVETAS is the largest Swiss nongovernmental organization with a dual mandate for long term development and humanitarian response. It has been present in Ukraine since 2020 implementing projects in the field of market systems development. HELVETAS has a project offices located in Kyiv and Kharkiv.

During 2022 HELVETAS initiated emergency assistance. Currently we are building our operational presence to deliver comprehensive response to the current humanitarian crisis. HELVETAS plan to be active in Ukraine for next 5 years.

Starting date:           July 2023

Duration:                  1 year, renewable

Duty Station:            Kharkiv (max. 50% remotely)


The position holder works under the direction of the Country Coordinator and in cooperation with Helvetas support staff.


  • Support distribution of small grants to micro and small enterprises in Kharkiv oblast
  • Support mapping of needs of micro and small enterprises east Ukraine
  • Review project applications and communicate with applicants
  • Prepare grants agreements and related documentation
  • Provide administrative support to awarded organisation
  • Support monitoring of partners organisation projects implementation
  • Support training and capacity building of partner organisations
  • Provide support to overall program implementation
  • Other duties as assigned


  • Ukrainian citizenship
  • Ability to work independently
  • Minimum 1 year of relevant experience
  • Experience working with a non-governmental organization and/or international organization is an advantage
  • Strong computer skills in MS Office programs
  • Strong organizational skills as well as attention to detail
  • Good oral and written Ukrainian and English skills
  • Travel up to 20%

HELVETAS offers highly competitive salary and possibility of partial home office.

To ask any questions or apply email to [email protected]

Due to the urgency recruitment will be done on a rolling basis, thus the position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is identified.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Незалежний/а консультант/ка для проведення зовнішньої фінальної оцінки проєкту, що був реалізований за підтримки ЄС / Independent consultant to conduct an external final evaluation of the project funded by the EU

Вакансія: Call for expression of interest (Designers)

Закупівля експертних послуг з розробки навчальної програми та проведення шести триденних тренінгів з реінтеграції дітей у біологічні родини для 20-ти громад Волинської області

Менеджер/ка із закупівель

Водій_ка / Driver, NPSA-3, (DS- Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Uzhgorod), National рosition

Керівник/керівниця напряму комунікацій