Фінансовий асистент в Проект «Експертна підтримка врядування та економічного розвитку»


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Фінансовий асистент в Проект «Експертна підтримка врядування та економічного розвитку»

The Finance Assistant is expected to:

  • Preparing vouchers and ledgers;
  • Review and ensure that all expenses are in accordance with approved budgets, donor regulations, and organization’s policies;
  • Ensure that adequate supporting documentation is available for all income and expenses;
  • Make sure that all procurement follows the procurement guidelines;
  • Process Expense Claims for all personnel and Ukrainian consultants and submit for audit;
  • Prepare vouchers with correct WBS Activity number and Clause;
  • Translate all receipts/invoices into English;
  • Prepare monthly Accounts Ledgers;
  • Scan vouchers and other financial documents;
  • File and maintain in order all Project documents, both paper and electronic versions (Contracts with Suppliers and Partners);
  • Assist the staff in providing them with relevant information regarding the financial aspects of their daily work;
  • Keep informed of local market costs and practices;
  • Budgeting/cash management;
  • Prepare draft Project Field Advance forms;
  • Maintain the Cash Box and all associated accounting;
  • Conduct payment/reimbursement of cell phone, utility bills and office supplies;
  • Banking;
  • Facilitate non-cash payments through on-line banking system;
  • Perform other related tasks as assigned.

The closing date for applications: February 9, 2018
Please send your applications to: [email protected]

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: GIS Expert, STTA

Вакансія: Local Borrowing and Local Guarantee Expert, STTA

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