FHI360 шукає Technical Сonsultant to develop and implement targeted digital social media campaigns for HIV testing


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FHI 360

Vacancy вакансії робота 1
FHI360 шукає Technical Сonsultant to develop and implement targeted digital social media campaigns for HIV testing

FHI 360 serves as the lead technical partner on USAID Ukraine’s Community Action for HIV Control Activity. This program will advance Ukraine’s progress toward its 95-95-95 HIV goals and reduce the HIV burden.

FHI 360 invites qualifying consultants to participate in the selection of Technical Consultant to develop and implement targeted digital social media campaigns for NGOs to promote HIV prevention, HIV testing, and ARV treatment among different key and priority (KP/PP) populations in Ukraine. Targeted digital social media campaigns will be aimed at increasing the demand in HIV services provided by local NGOs among hard-to-reach KP and PP. Subsequently, it is expected that implementation of targeted social media campaigns will help local NGOs expanding the channels of communication with potential clients who are active online.

The description of the solicitation and instructions for submitting an offer are provided in the document: Technical Сonsultant to develop and implement targeted digital social media campaigns for HIV testing.

Consultants wishing to respond to this solicitation shall submit their CV in English, Cover Letter confirming the interest and availability for the indicated period of work and Price Offer in USDper working day to [email protected] by December 8th, 2022 stating in the subject of the e-mail “Technical Consultant to develop and implement targeted digital social media campaigns for HIV testing (full name of offeror)”.

Documents submitted as part of the offer must be clear and small text must be legible.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Бухгалтер/ка по ТМЦ (Запоріжжя)

Координатор/ка з питань партнерства та залучення громадськості / Partnership Coordinator

Financial Assistant / Фінансовий/а асистент/ка

Assistant / Асистент (-ка)

Фахівець/чиня відділу закупівел / Procurement Officer в проєкт «Сприяння доброчесності у публічному секторі»

Finance Officer / спеціаліст (-ка) з фінансів