FHI 360 шукає Consultant on Clients HIV Risk Segmentation and Statistical Data Analysis


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FHI 360

FHI 360 шукає Consultant on Clients HIV Risk Segmentation and Statistical Data Analysis

FHI 360 serves as the lead technical partner on USAID Ukraine’s Community Action for HIV Control (CAHC) Activity. This program will advance Ukraine’s progress toward its 95-95-95 HIV goals and reduce the HIV burden.

FHI 360 invites qualified candidates to participate in the selection of Consultant on Clients HIV Risk Segmentation and Statistical Data Analysis. The Consultant will conduct statistical analysis, modeling and clients’ risk segmentation based on routine program data collected by the project’s NGO partners. Results from conducted analyses will be distributed to partners providing services focused on HIV testing and linkage to ART. The CAHC team will support the interpretation and application of these findings to optimize interventions and improve overall program outcomes.

The description of the Request for Proposal (RFP) and instructions for submitting an offer are provided in the document: RFP on clients risk segmentation. Price offer shall be provided with cost breakdown according to the instructions in the RFP in the format provided in the Financial Offer Form Excel file.

Consultants wishing to respond to this RFP shall submit required documents preferably in English in accordance with the instructions in the RFP document provided at the hyperlink above to [email protected] by July 25th, 2024 stating in the subject of the e-mail “Clients HIV Risk Segmentation and Statistical Data Analysis Consultant”.

Documents submitted as part of the offer must be clear and small text must be legible.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Фахівець/чиня з моніторингу, оцінки та навчання / MEL Specialist


Менеджер/ка з моніторингу та оцінки

Фасилітатор/ка тренінгу "Параюридична допомога ЛЖВ"

Консультант/ка з розробки та проведення онлайн гри в реальному часі

Вакансія: Project Coordinator