ENGin шукає Interviewer (English + Ukrainian Fluency, Remote Position)


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ENGin шукає Interviewer (English + Ukrainian Fluency, Remote Position)

ENGin is a nonprofit organization that pairs Ukrainian youth with English-speakers for free online conversation practice and cross-cultural connection. We work with students age 13-35 and volunteers age 14+.Our mission is to help a generation of Ukrainian youth improve their spoken English and intercultural skills, equipping them to access academic and professional opportunities.

We’re looking for a Ukrainian interviewer to conduct 15-minute interviews with our students and volunteers to decide whether they are a good fit for our program.This is a great chance to boost your communication skills, meet new people, and listen to exciting stories.


  • High English fluency, C1+ (fluent enough to run interviews freely and evaluate others’ English level)
  • Workload 30 hours/week in the weekday evenings and weekend afternoon-evening Ukraine time (you can be flexible in choosing hours but in the mentioned timeframe)
  • Attend weekly team meetings (Tuesday evening Ukraine time)
  • Age 18+ 
  • Extrovert who enjoys talking to people
  • Longer commitment (at least one year)
  • Monthly salary is 13 500 UAH
  • Expected start date is August 20,2022; (15 hours of training August 6-19 required, schedule flexible)
  • Prior experience will be a big advantage.

If you’re interested, email [email protected] with your resume and a short cover letter. Questions may be sent to the same email address. 

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Менеджер/ка із закупівель

Водій_ка / Driver, NPSA-3, (DS- Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Uzhgorod), National рosition

Керівник/керівниця напряму комунікацій

Операційний директор/ка

Організаційний менеджер (-ка), помічник (-ця) керівника

Менеджер/-ка з обробки інформації/ Аналітик/-иня (зі знанням англійської мови)