Експерт/ка з комунікації та PR з досвідом роботи з громадянським суспільством


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Експерт/ка з комунікації та PR з досвідом роботи з громадянським суспільством

Ukraine – de Lage Landen Consulting Group шукає експерта з комунікації та PR з досвідом роботи з громадянським суспільством.

We are looking for a CSO communication and PR Expert with previous experience with EU civil society support in Ukraine and solid knowledge of the civil society landscape in Ukraine for the project Support to EU engagement with civil society organizations in Ukraine.

A Master’s degree in a Social Sciences related field OR equivalent 4 years of professional experience is mandatory;
– Fluency in English, Ukrainian and Russian is mandatory;
– A Master’s degree or recognized professional certificates in Journalism, Media and/or Public Relations is an asset;
General work experience
At least 3 years of experience in communication and public relation advice (including media relations and institutional communication) is mandatory;
Specific work experience
– At least 2 years of proven experience in support to development of communication (campaigning, advocacy, public relations, planning, etc) of civil society organizations is mandatory;
– Experience with EU support to civil society in Ukraine is an asset;

– Expert support on communicating EU projects, programs and policies in the field of civil society (strategic advice, content generation and maintenance of existing dissemination portals)
– Organization of events, trainings

February 2020 – February 2021

Ukraine, Kyiv, and countrywide

Preferable format of CV- Europass, other formats allowed

Контакти: [email protected]

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