Administration Associate/ Адміністративний Помічник


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Administration Associate/ Адміністративний Помічник

На запит Уряду України у 2017 році було відкрито офіс ЮНОПС в Україні, що надає широкий спектр послуг Уряду та народу України. Наразі офіс має статус операційного центру (UAOC), а вартість портфеля проектів у таких сферах, як верховенство права, охорона довкілля, енергоефективність, післякризове відновлення, належне врядування, управління кадрами, закупівлі та логістика, перевищує 100 млн доларів США.

Адміністративний помічник, підконтрольний і напряму підпорядкований директору офісу ЮНОПС в Україні, забезпечуватиме ефективну й дієву роботу офісу керівника, вчасне виконання завдань і дотримання зобов’язань та управління потоками інформації з дотриманням належного протоколу та конфіденційності в усіх аспектах роботи. В ролі помічника директора офісу ЮНОПС в Україні успішний кандидат/кандидатка буде також відповідати за підтримку продуктивного співробітництва й збереження міцних зв’язків між внутрішніми й зовнішніми заінтересованими сторонами, а також працюватиме у тісній співпраці з персоналом офісу ЮНОПС в Україні, установами ООН, дипломатичними представництвами, високопоставленими урядовцями та іншими партнерами.

Job categories           Administration

Vacancy code            VA/2019/B5116/18746

Department/office     ECR, UACO, Ukraine

Duty station               Kyiv, Ukraine

Contract type            Local ICA Support

Contract level           LICA-6

Duration                    Open-ended

Application period   22-Oct-2019 to 05-Nov-2019


Applications to vacancies must be received before midnight Copenhagen time (CET) on the closing date of the announcement.

 Background Information – Job-specific

In response to the request of the Government of Ukraine, UNOPS opened an office in Ukraine in 2017, which provides a broad spectrum of services to the Government and the people of Ukraine. Currently, the office is classified as an Operations Centre (UAOC), with a portfolio of projects exceeding USD 100 million, in the areas of rule of law, environment, energy efficiency, crisis recovery, good governance, human resources management, procurement, and logistics.

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Country Director the Administration Associate ensures effective and efficient functioning of the Management Office, due confidentiality in all aspects of assignment, handling the protocol matters, management of information flow and follow-up on deadlines and commitments made. Performing the role of the Executive Assistant, the incumbent will be in charge of supporting a successful collaboration and maintenance of strong relations between internal and external stakeholders, and work in close collaboration with UNOPS personnel, UN Agencies, diplomatic missions, senior government officials and other partners.

 Functional Responsibilities

  1.  Ensures effective and efficient functioning of the Management Office focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Office management of the UNOPS Ukraine Country Office, ensuring an environment of professionalism and teamwork at all times, and setting exemplary standards of conduct for the office team.
  • Efficient and discreet management of UNOPS Ukraine Management office’s schedules and calendars organizing official meetings in accordance with applicable protocol.
  • Organization of regular and ad-hoc meetings; preparation of meeting minutes and summaries of actions to be taken; tracking of progress on planned issues; follow-up with focal points.
  • Organization of visits of high level UNOPS, UN, and Partner Organization officials.
  • Organization of special corporate events, such as luncheons, receptions, dinners for high-level invitees from international missions, governments, UN agencies, governmental/non-governmental organizations and other partners.
  • Establishment of an effective network and exchange of information with internal and external partners.
  • Organizing and ensuring effective communication systems for the Management Office and for the Office in general with internal interlocutors and external partners.
  • Ensuring adherence to appropriate protocol and correspondence guidelines as well as by the Office team when communicating with Government and other external partners.
  • Act as a communication channel between UNOPS Ukraine and the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office in Ukraine.
  • Use of technology and electronic systems and tools to initiate work, share information with colleagues and clients.
  1. Ensures provision of effective communications and administrative support to the Management office focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Maintaining and handling written and verbal communications on behalf of Management Office, including phones calls, screening all incoming communications and their further distribution, clearing outgoing correspondence for supervisor’s signature, soliciting pre-clearances and further action by other personnel when so required.
  • Establishment and maintenance of all hard copy and electronic files, reference materials and confidential records as required, and evaluation of information for retention or disposal in accordance with records management and retention policies and procedures.
  • Coordination of the information flow in the office and dissemination of corporate and interoffice communication to personnel as required.
  • Facilitation of information sharing between Management and Business Development, Programme, Projects, and Operations Teams.
  • Follow up on deadlines, commitments made, actions taken and coordination of collection and submission of the reports to the Regional Office and/or Head Quarters.
  • Drafting of routine correspondence, interoffice circulars, general briefing notes, documents, reports, and minutes of meetings when requested, translations when required.
  • Preparation of spreadsheets, database files, presentation slides and tables ensuring appropriate style and accuracy of information.
  • Management of the Management members’ official missions and representation schedule, as well as related travel arrangements.
  • Preparation of high quality briefing materials for the Head of Office for appointments, meetings, missions.
  • Contributing to preparation of the office administrative budget plan for the submission to Operations; assistance in the review and monitoring of expenditures against the administrative budget. 
  • Preparation of requests for recruitment of consultants for corporate requirements, including drafting/obtaining terms of reference, identification of consultants/firms, submission of requests to Human Resources or Procurement Unit and ensuring appropriate settlement of invoices and follow-up thereof, in accordance with UNOPS guidelines. 
  • Initiation and presentation of proposals to change priorities, appointments and scheduling conflicts, eliminate communication bottlenecks in the office and streamline office procedures between the supervisor’s office and subordinate divisions.
  • Provision of all other related administrative, logistical, protocol and secretary services for the Management office.
  1. Ensures successful collaboration and maintenance of strong relations between internal and external stakeholders by coordinating their engagement and focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Assisting the Management, Business Development, Programme and Project Teams by conducting background research (including intranet and internet research), collecting and analyzing data to prepare reports and documents for policy and planning initiatives of UNOPS Ukraine CO.
  • Developing and maintaining effective communications with counterparts at other UN agencies in Ukraine.
  • Interacting with the UN Resident Coordinator Office, preparing talking points for the meetings between Resident Coordinator and Ukraine Management Team.
  • Maintaining communications and liaising with the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Ukraine on protocol matters.
  • Drafting agendas for official meetings and events in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  and other ministries involved in the programme activities of UNOPS.
  • Preparing the background documents for high level officials at the Government of Ukraine.
  1. Provides support to knowledge building and knowledge sharing, focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Organization of training for UNOPS personnel on coordination, administration and protocol issues.
  • Training of new or temporary support personnel on office methods, systems and procedures.
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.


  •  High School Diploma is required.
  • A first level University Degree or equivalent in International Relations, Business Administration, Management or other related field is desirable.


  •  Six (6) years of progressively responsible experience in managing/running/assisting the office of senior management of an international and/or national organization/company is required.
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (Microsoft Office), experience in handling of web-based management systems is required. 
  • Experience in public relations and communication with senior officials, representatives of the diplomatic missions and NGOs would be and asset.  
  • UN experience in fields of finance, human resources, and administrative services or in other related field is desirable. 


  •  Fluency in written and oral English and Ukrainian is required. 
  • Knowledge of second UN working language desirable.

Дізнайтесь більше про можливості працевлаштування в Офісі ЮНОПС в Україні на порталі «UNOPS Jobs».

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