Запит цінової пропозиції на надання послуг з розробки комунікаційної стратегії (продовжено)


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Pact Inc

Request for Quotation (RFQ) for strategic communication vision and approach services

1. Introduction

Pact is an International NGO with offices throughout the world with a mission to enable systematic solutions that allow those who are poor and marginalized to earn a dignified living, be healthy and take part in the benefits that nature provides. Pact accomplishes this by strengthening local capacity, forging effective governance systems and transforming markets into a force for development.

Pact has worked in Ukraine since 2006 in the areas of governance, capacity development, and health. Building on a decade of experience, we address key challenges facing civil society organizations in Ukraine. A nonprofit international development organization founded in 1971, Pact works on the ground in more than 30 countries to improve the lives of those who are poor and marginalized. We strive for a world where all people exercise their voice, build their own solutions and take ownership of their future.

Pact is searching for services related to development of strategic communication vision and approach for ENGAGE.

2. Requirement/ Technical Specifications

Provide the set of services related to development of strategic communication vision and approach for ENGAGE, in particular:

  • Conduct preliminary analyses (PEST, SWOT, competitors and key audiences);
  • Conduct analysis of stakeholders and development of stakeholders’ map;
  • Conduct analysis of existing and possible USAID/ENGAGE product to be promoted within the strategy;
  • Conduct a strategic communication visioning and planning session for USAID/ENGAGE Communication and Program Team;
  • Identify ENGAGE positioning for the desired change;
  • Develop the table of key messages;
  • Develop the list of potential communication crises and relevant action plan;
  • Identify the communication channels and tools;
  • Develop the digital plan (identify the key networks);
  • Develop the strategic communication workplan for two-years;
  • Develop the monitoring plan and evaluation indicators;
  • Prepare the final documents – communication strategy and strategic communication action plan.

Proposed SOW for consultant or/and organization:

  • Conduct and document prelaminar analysis (PEST, SWOT, analysis of key competitors and key audiences, stakeholders’ map);
  • Conduct strategic communication visioning and planning session;
  • Session to be conducted up to 2 full days;
  • Session to be designed for up to 20 team members, both communication and program staff;
  • Prepare communication strategy. The strategy document should include information about ENGAGE positioning for the desired change, target audiences, key messages, anti-crisis communication plan, key channels of communications, and key speakers;
  • Prepare the two-year strategic communication action plan. The action plan document should cover the communication objectives, target audience(s), key activities, speakers, timeline, and estimated result(s);
  • Recommendations on promotion of key USAID/ENGAGE speakers;
  • Prepare monitoring plan and evaluation indicators.

3. Eligibility

In order to be considered for award, Vendors (companies, agencies, NGO, individual consultants etc.) must be currently legally operating in Ukraine and the quotation must include all of the following information:

  • Ability to meet or exceed the Requirements/Technical Specifications outlined in Section B;
  • Ability to deliver the items/services specified in Section B no later than the date(s) required.

4. Submission Instructions

Electronic submissions must be received at the address specified below by January 14, 2020 (extended)

Submissions must be forwarded in electronic format only in PDF and Excel (all calculations) to [email protected]. Quotations should not contain any unnecessary promotional material or elaborate presentation formats (black and white is preferred). Vendors must not submit zipped files. Those pages requiring original manual signatures should be scanned and sent in PDF format as an email attachment. Please indicate “RFQ P4767-2019-04” in the e-mail subject line. 

5. Questions and Clarifications Due by January 9, 2020

NOTE: Before applying please read the full text of the RFQ here: https://pactworld.box.com/s/rlqtwhkg0k1n85hymvbzdpzaxjepa0d1 

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