Вишеградська літня школа в Кракові


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Olga Maksymenko

Вишеградська літня школа в Кракові

Студенти, аспіранти, молоді професіонали запрошуються до участі у Вишеградській літній школі. Мета школи – поглиблення знань про глобальні та регіональні виклики, подолання стереотипів, зав’язування нових контактів.

Дати: 1 – 14 липня 2018 року.

Місце: Краків, Польща

Дедлайн: 31 березня 2018 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Visegrad Summer School is an educational programme which provides an interdisciplinary learning space for young Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak students, and for their peers from other Central, Eastern and Southern European countries.

Programme of VSS widens perspectives and INSPIRE via lectures and debates dedicated to global and regional political, economic, cultural and societal issues. It also addresses current developments and burning problems within the EU and the neighboring countries. The important component of 17. VSS that is SHAPEing attitudes in the course of intensive laboratories held in the field of ACADEMIA, BUSINESS and CULTURAL DIPLOMACY under the common leitmotiv “Inspire, Shape, Connect” led by top professionals in the field.

Among VSS special events and extracurricular activities that are designed to enhance a long-term CONNECTions are: integration workshop, multicultural garden party, study visits, cultural events, and recreation. VSS is two week long, intense programme, consisting of approximately 90 hours of activities: ~60h of educational and ~30h extracurricular which are stimulating the  uderstanding of neighboring cultures and need of active social participation in decision making processes, mutual dialog, as well as integrate the group.

Previous editions of the School were attended by over 650 people from: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Brazil, France, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Germany, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Ukraine , United Kingdom, Indonesia, Algeria, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, Nigeria, India, Ghana, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iraq, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Namibia, Albania and Italy.

17. edition is supported by the International Visegrad Fund, Malopolska Region and City of Krakow.

AIM of the VSS

The Visegrad Summer School has been carried out by the Villa Decius Association annually since 2002. Our idea is to create an alternative platform to university for advanced studies on the Visegrad Group as well as other Central, East and South European countries. The programme is an opportunity for the participants to discuss current social, security, economic, political and cultural issues. It is also an occasion to learn about each other and start an international cooperation between the people and the countries.


The programme of the 17. edition of the Visegrad Summer School includes lectures, debates and workshops on current political, cultural and social challenges in the regional, global and European perspective lead by outstanding experts from various fields of knowledge and public activities. In addition to experts and intellectuals, we host Ambassadors, Ministers, European Union representatives, academics, politicians, businessmen, journalists, artists, representatives of national and local governments, as well as NGOs.

This edition is enriched by intensive workshops in fields: Academia, Business and Cultural Diplomacy. The participants, in smaller groups, work on advanced skills by evolving projects that will be presented at the closing session on the last day of School.

Students are invited for study visit to Malopolska region and attend artistic events in Krakow. Multicultural session allows participants to search for common identity as well as insight the cultures of the Visegrad countries. Some of the debates, lectures and meetings are open to the public, additionally creating an occasion to integrate people.


At the end of the course, participants will be presented with a diploma of participation and recognition of learning, which will be signed by the President and the Director of the Villa Decius Association.

ELIGIBILTY to participate

Students, graduates, PhD researchers, young professionals and leaders from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine and other eligible countries. We are looking for active, open-minded and creative people. The working language of the School is English, so good communication skills in English are essential.

Students from non-eligible countries can apply providing they will cover the participation fee of 350 euro as well as individual insurance and travel costs to/from/in Krakow.

Participation conditions

The organizers provide:

  • educational programme and materials
  • special events: study visits, recreation offer
  • full accommodation and board

Participants cover:

  • travel costs to/from/in Krakow
  • insurance
  • registration fee of 125 Euro


Questions and remarks [email protected]


Aleksandra Szymańska

project manager [email protected] 

Olga Maksymenko, contact person in Ukraine [email protected]


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