Відділення Польської Гуманітарної Акції в Україні оголошує про пошук місцевих партнерів для реалізації проектів в напрямку Продовольчої Безпеки


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Відділення Польської Гуманітарної Акції в Україні оголошує про пошук місцевих партнерів для реалізації проектів в напрямку Продовольчої Безпеки


Відділення Польської Гуманітарної Акції в Україні оголошує про пошук місцевих партнерів для реалізації проектів в напрямку Продовольчої Безпеки

Expression of Interest (EoI)

Food and Cash distribution activities in Ukraine 2024

For local NGOs in Ukraine 

  • Introduction:

Polish Humanitarian Action has been working in Ukraine since 2014 to support affected populations with their humanitarian needs. PAH`s main priority is to cover people’s basic needs in different areas such as Food Security, Protection, WASH, NFI, and Shelter. More information about our activities is on our website https://www.pah.org.pl/en/.

For 2024, PAH is preparing the plan of activities and looking for local Ukrainian NGOs that want to be involved in covering humanitarian needs in Food Security Sector (FSL) during 2024 in partnership with PAH.

  • The main requirement for partners:

The purpose of this EoI is to identify eligible Ukrainian local partners for potential FSL activities with PAH. Organizations that wish to participate in this response are requested to submit their application to the email ([email protected]) before the closing of business on September 11, 2023. The application should be submitted in English and contain:

  • Concept Note of the project Annex 1. (mandatory)
  • Budget of the project Annex 2. (mandatory)
  • Should have access to one or more of the following oblasts. (Kharkivska, Donetska, Zaporizhia, Khersonska, Mykolayvska) (mandatory)

Eligibility and Exclusion Criteria:

The selection of a partner is a competitive process and will be based on the below criteria:

  1. The organization should be a local organization registered in Ukraine.
  2. Non-governmental and humanitarian organization
  3. The organization should have an active bank account at the time of application.
  4. Documented experience in accessing the proposed areas and owning previous activities there.

the submission which:

  1. are not sent before the specified deadline;
  2. do not include all required documents duly completed or do not comply with specifications set in this Call for Expression of Interest;
  3. are not submitted in English

will be excluded from the selection process.

  • Selection Process:

The submissions are assessed by the Partnership Review Committee in consultation with technical specialists, using criteria outlined before. Only the submissions which comply with the requirements of the mandatory eligibility and exclusion criteria will be eligible for further evaluation. It should be noted that participation in this EoI, does not guarantee that the organization will be ultimately selected for a partnership agreement with PAH. 

PAH may not be able to provide feedback during or after the end of the process for the organizations that planned to submit applications. PAH will contact the selected partner and sign an agreement in force in the field of the humanitarian sector in Ukraine, however, the partner shall comply with all the stipulated conditions and provide the necessary facilities and technical information to allow our team to fully monitor and evaluate activities that ensure the delivery of aid based on humanitarian principles. 

For this EoI, PAH will prioritize following:

  • Experience working with similar projects
  • Strong data capturing, storing, and analyzing skills of NGO
  • Experience working in the East and/or South of Ukraine 
  • Experience cooperating with INGO or UN
  • Experience working with international donors
  • Availability of staff used to working in the FSL area in the East and/or South of Ukraine

Links to the annexes

Annex 1. Concept note

Annex 1 Concept note.docx

Annex 2. Budget

Annex 2 Budget.xlsx

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