Тендер USAID CEP Development of a separate section on the Diia.Business website under the conditional title “Analytics of the state of Ukrainian business”


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Тендер USAID CEP Development of a separate section on the Diia.Business website under the conditional title “Analytics of the state of Ukrainian business”

Chemonics International, implementer of the USAID Competitive Economy Program  (USAID CEP) invites qualified vendors to submit proposals in response to the   Request for Proposals (RFP) for development of a separate section on the Diia.Business website  (https://business.diia.gov.ua/) under the conditional title “Analytics of the state of Ukrainian business”. (No. CEP-RFP-2021-100) .        

 Chemonics recognizes that Offerors may have questions after reading this RFP. The deadline for interested Offerors to submit their questions is August  31, 202110:00 am, Kyiv time.         

Questions should be submitted to the email address – 

[email protected].

The deadline for receipt of proposals is September 3, 2021, 10:00 am, Kyiv time. Proposals should be submitted to [email protected].

We look forward to your submissions.     


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