Тендер на розробку модулю e-Stock “Облік”


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Тендер на розробку модулю e-Stock “Облік”

Management Sciences for Health, Inc. (MSH), implementer of USAID SAFEMed Activity in Ukraine, invites you to submit Proposal in accordance with the requirements of the following Request for Proposals (RFP) # UKRSAFEMED142A.   

The goal of this solicitation is to choose a company which has the capacity and experience to develop the national automated information system “Management of balances of medicines, MD and supplementary products to them”, e-Stock (Accounting module). 

The package of tender documentation is presented by the link.

Date of request for proposal:

February 20, 2024

Final date for submitting questions:

February 28, 2024, by 6:00 pm Kyiv time

Final date and time of submission of the proposal:

March 6, 2024, by 6:00 pm Kyiv time

Contact Information:

[email protected]

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