Тендер на проведення дослідження


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Тендер на проведення дослідження

Проект «Фінська підтримка реформи української школи», який реалізується компанією FCG International оголошує конкурс на закупівлю консалтингових послуг з проведення  визначення громадської думки, аналізу засобів масової інформації та проведення публічних дискусій з питань просування української мови як державної серед національних меншин у Західній Україні.

Дедлайн – 27 грудня 2018 р. (далі – англ.).

Purpose and Scope of the Assignment

This assignment will contribute to the promotion of Ukrainian language as state language among national minorities in Western Ukraine. The main purpose is to design and carry out:

  1.      a public perception survey
  2.      media analysis
  3.      dissemination and promotion of the survey results through public and strategic discussions and PR support.

A local consultancy team with relevant expertise and references will be identified and contracted for the assignment.

This assignment will be implemented as part of Cluster 2: “Education promotion” during the inception phase and it will support Ministry of Education and Science in raising awareness and positive attitudes towards the school reform and its benefits among national minorities in the target regions in Western Ukraine in particular. Besides assessment and planning activities, the inception phase is also a stage to ensure that Human Rights Based Approach will guide the entire project operation and management. The project communication plan will be developed and implemented as part of Cluster 2 activities. This communication plan aims to facilitate interactive communication, create an active flow of information between all relevant stakeholders and media, and maintain transparency of cooperation and results.

Key Topics by Activity

1) Public perception survey targeted to national minorities (examples, to be finalized in the tender)

  •         General perception on the essence of the school reform among national minorities
  •         Benefits of the knowledge of Ukrainian language as state language
  •         Reform issues that people feel hesitant about
  •         Factors which could increase people’s support to the reform
  •         Main sources of information and their impact on people’s perception on the reform

2) Media analysis of printed and social media

  •         Media’s perception of the essence of the school reform
  •         General perception on the school reform
  •         General perception on the essence of the school reform for national minorities
  •         Reform’s benefits for national minorities which are supported by media
  •         Issues of the reform for national minorities which media do not support
  •         Factors which could increase media’s support to national minorities in connection with the school reform
  •         Main sources of information and their impact on media’s perception on the reform
  •         Media opportunities which could increase national minorities’ support to the reform

3) Dissemination and publicity of the survey results

  •         Regional discussions, one strategic session and PR support

Duration, Methodology and Conditions of the Work

It is expected that the duration of the assignment will be a maximum of 1.5 months starting from the commencement of the work. The work should be started as soon as possible.

The team of local experts should apply a consultative and participative working approach. A finalized workplan, methodology and tools will be adopted by the Project Management Team. All findings should be evidence based. Methodology used, and possible limitations should be explained in the deliverables.

The details of the assignment, terms and conditions will be specified in the contract between the FCG International Ltd (Contractor) and a local service provider/agency (Consultant) that provides the local consultancy team of local experts. Payment milestones will be based on the acceptance of the key deliverables by the Project Management Team.

Document reviews, different interviews, and focus group discussions are proposed for consideration by a service provider.

A survey (if applicable): a sample of a target group should be representative of adult population of the target regions broken down by gender, age, mother language, the region of residence.

Consultancy Team with Tasks and Qualifications

A local service provider to be selected will identify and propose a national team of experts with complementary knowledge and experience to do the work. A service provider will define the number of experts in the team. A proposed team of 4 experts one possibility:

  •         Key Expert in Public Survey. Main Tasks: Public perception survey, public discussions and related reporting
  •         Key Expert in Media Analysis. Main Tasks: Media analysis: media monitoring and analysis of media opportunities
  •         Data analyst: Main Tasks: Data collection and analysis
  •         Team Leader/Executive. Main Tasks: Project management and coordination of the team’s work, supervision of counterparts, reporting and logistics

The minimum requirements of qualifications of the consultancy team:

  •         solid knowledge and experience of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) Reform and related communication
  •         relevant educational background in their areas of specialization (research methodology, education, communications etc.)
  •         sound knowledge and experience of project cycle management procedures and participatory methods
  •         good knowledge of written and spoken Ukrainian and English as working languages
  •         knowledge of Hungarian or Romanian.

Application Procedure and Schedule

Through an open call of proposals interested service providers are requested to submit a written proposal with a team of eligible national experts and the following proposed details:

(i)               Curricula vitae of the proposed experts in the English language,
(ii)             A maximum number of working days in total and per each expert
(iii)            Total price in EUR (excluding in-country travel related expenses which will be covered against actual reasonable expenses and receipts) and a daily fee per each expert in EUR
(iv)            Service provider’s capability statement with relevant references

Selection procedure

Eligible service providers are requested to submit a written proposal. Evaluation will be based on pre-defined criteria. The evaluation and selection of a service provider will be carried out by the Project Management Team in accordance with the TOR and under supervision by the Steering Committee.

Proposals should be sent via email to Chief Technical Advisor, Mr. Arto Vaahtokari ([email protected]) by 27 December 2018. Enquiries via telephone 066-9903147.

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