Тендер на послуги експерта з оцінки виконання проекту Basic Needs Project


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Caritas Ukraine and Caritas Germany invites experts and consultants to participate in the competition for evaluation of the Basic Needs Project, Ukraine P.545-008/2015

The aim of the project is covering basic needs and stabilize livelihood of people affected by the crisis through relief packages, cash grants, support in winterization as well as in psychological and physiological health. Special attention was paid to vulnerable groups. Geographically, the project covered the oblasts of Donetsk and Lugansk in government-controlled areas as well as safe regions in eastern Ukraine that received the highest numbers of IDPs (Dnipropetrovska, Kharkivska, and Zaporizhia).

A specific of the project is the fact, that it was designed in a flexible way: In order to allow for an adaption of the project activities to changing environment and needs, the planning processes were conducted every six months for the following six months. This led to certain amendments to the project design during the implementation period.

This new flexible design combined with the relatively high number of locations and actions lead to a high complexity. It is important to record the valuable knowledge gained by all actors involved in the project and analyze and evaluate the chosen approach. 

As a whole, the following areas have been covered by the intervention: basic needs (food, hygiene, winterization, multipurpose cash grants), physical health, psycho-social support, and livelihood.

Detailed information with terms and conditions please find in the attached file to this invitation. 

Contact: Maryna Vorzheva 

e-mail: [email protected] 

mob. phone: +380503583523 

DCVFR-#720296-v1A-Evaluation Expert_Basic_Needs Project

Останні публікації цього розділу:

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