Шукаємо тренера по STATA SE для короткотермінового співробітництва.


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Maksim Meshkovoy

Шукаємо тренера по STATA SE для короткотермінового співробітництва.

Програма «U-LEAD з Європою» прагне оптимізувати робочі процеси експертів Групи фінансового моніторингу Центрального офісу реформ та потребує професійної підтримки у проведенні вступного навчання для невеликої групи осіб з користування програмним забезпеченням STATA SE. У зв’язку з цим Програма приймає попередні заявки від компаній та/або окремих фахівців, які здатні провести таке навчання. Далі-англ. мовою.

Request for Expressions of Interest for STATA SE software training

Since 2017, the U-LEAD with Europe Programme (implemented by GIZ GmbH) supports operations of Central Reform Office Fiscal Monitoring Group (CROFMG). The activity of the Group entails analysis of large volumes of economic and budgetary data and necessity for graphical representation of the results. The Programme seeks to improve ability of CROFMG personnel to work with STATA SE software which will be their basic tool for such analysis.

The Programme seeks professional help to conduct an introductory training in STATA SE software for a small group of individuals.

Therefore we would welcome an opportunity to receive expressions of interest from companies or individual experts capable of delivering such training.

The requirements of the training are as follows:

  • Group size: up to 6 persons
  • Up to 12 hours of classroom instruction
  • Working stations/computers with the STATA SE software installed are to be provided by the trainer
  • Language: Ukrainian
  • Location: Kyiv

In order to be considered for invitation to tender the service provider should meet at least these requirements:

  • The service provider shall be a registered business (individual entrepreneur) operating in the field of trainings, consultancy, education or similar;
  • The service provider shall be available in June and July of 2018
  • Trainer(s) are qualified to train on STATA SE products
  • Trainers have background in the field of statistics;
  • Experience in delivering trainings to groups of up to 10 people  development of respective training programs;

Interested providers should send the following information to [email protected] by 18 May 2018 to receive invitation to the tender: (1) brief information on the service provider as an entity (legal and organizational); (2) an overview of qualifications relevant to the requirements;

No price information is requested at this stage. This Request for Expressions of Interest is not a solicitation, and replying to it does not guarantee that a service provider will be invited to any solicitation by GIZ GmbH. No further details of the planned solicitation will be made available to vendors prior to the issuance of tender documents. In the event of a tender for the subject matter described herein, any Request for Proposal and any subsequent purchase order or contract will be issued in accordance with GIZ GmbH rules and procedures.

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