Request for Proposals REQ-KYI-24-0123: Study of financial/economic models of risk management and internal control in financial companies and pawnshops/ Дослідження фінансових/економічних моделей управління ризиками та внутрішнього контролю у фінансових компаніях і ломбардах


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Request for Proposals REQ-KYI-24-0123: Study of financial/economic models of risk management and internal control in financial companies and pawnshops/ Дослідження фінансових/економічних моделей управління ризиками та внутрішнього контролю у фінансових компаніях і ломбардах

Dear Vendors!

DAI Global LLC, implementing “Investment for Business Resilience Activity” (IBR), financed by USAID, announces a tender for services on conducting a Study of financial/economic models of risk management and internal control of financial companies and pawnshops, and invites qualified vendors to submit their offers per the enclosed Request for Proposals.


Questions may be submitted by 18:00 (06:00 pm) Kyiv time on August 12, 2024, to the following e-mail: [email protected] . All received questions will be collected and answers to those will be transmitted to all prospective bidders by e-mail.

REQ-KYI-24-0123 IBR PO template

Offers shall be submitted by 18:00 (06:00 pm) Kyiv time on August 22, 2024, to the e-mail: [email protected] . We draw your attention that offers shall be submitted ONLY to this e-mail ([email protected])!

Please note that email attachments should not exceed 20 MB. Please send them either as an archive or upload them to cloud storage.


Attention! The deadline and e-mail for questions differ from the ones for offers’ submission! Issuance of this RFP in no way obligates DAI to award a subcontract or purchase order and offerors will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with the preparation of their bid.


Please confirm receipt of the RFP by sending an email to [email protected] .


Looking forward to receiving your offers.

USAID IBR Procurement Team

REQ-KYI-24-0123 NBFI Risk Assessment RFP

REQ-KYI-24-0123 Attachment B.1-2 Specification

REQ-KYI-24-0123 Attachment C Qualification Data

REQ-KYI-24-0123 IBR PO template

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Конкурс на закупівлю обладнання: Ноутбук, Проекційний екран 2E на тринозі, Акустична система JBL, Світлодіодний світильник Feron AL5020 52W

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