НДІ. Проведення якісних та кількісних досліджень


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НДІ. Проведення якісних та кількісних досліджень

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) seeks to hire a Ukraine-based research firm(s) to conduct quantitative and qualitative research to provide NDI’s partners with information about the thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes of the public towards specific aspects of the political system. Research objectives for each activity will vary, but in general, NDI wants to explore citizen priorities, vulnerability to disinformation, attitude towards a variety of topics including elections, reforms, leaders, parties and policies as well as motivators and barriers to civic participation.

This request for proposals indicates the National Democratic Institute’s (NDI) intention to contract with a Ukraine-based research firm to conduct following different types of research activities:

  1. National surveys
  2. Computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) surveys
  3. Focus groups
  4. In-depth Interviews
  5. Online/smartphone surveys
  6. Additional questions services (Omnibus)

Interested organizations are invited to apply for all elements together or any of these separately. NDI reserves the right to contract these elements out separately. If your organization/firm chooses to apply for more than one element, please include a price for all elements together and for each element individually (and include a unit price for each research method). Pricing should be valid for the 12-month duration of the contract.

Vendors should send the proposals in English and a filled-in bidding form (P-UA23032001 – Bidding form) via email to [email protected]. The deadline for submitting proposals is April 5, 2023. Early submissions are welcomed.

More requirements in the RFP – P-UA23032001 – RFP

Останні публікації цього розділу:

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Конкурс на закупівлю техніки та меблів: ноутбуків, мобільних телефонів, принтеру, письмових столів та офісних крісел

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