Інститут Суспільних Ініціатив оголошує набір учасників на молодіжний обмін MEDIA TRANSFORMERS, що відбудеться 01-10 червня в Україні, “ОЗЕРНИЙ КРАЙ”, смт. Пустомити (20 км від Львова).

This project is for you, if:

  • you are 18-30 years old;
  • you are a citizen of Ukraine;
  • you have at least the intermediate level of English;
  • you are interested in the topic of human rights, media and no hate speech movement.

About the project:

Hate speech online is of great concern especially among young people who use massively social media to communicate and interact. According to a recent survey on hate speech developed by the council of europe, 83% of the respondents have encountered hate speech online. Due to the amount of time they spend on internet, young people are the first recipient of these hateful narratives and very often they do not have necessary tools to critically understand and face this phenomenon. The youth exchange media transformers: deconstructing hate speech through alternative narratives was designed in order to raise awareness on the topic of online hate speech and provide young people with skills and tools to counteract this phenomenon and create a new narrative.

Project goals:

  • to make young people aware of hate speech and how it is spread through social media.
  • to expose young people to new cultures and beliefs, thus fostering their tolerance towards diversity.to increase young people’s awareness of human rights and how they can be spread through online campaigning.
  • to increase critical thinking and creative skills of young people.
  • to improve young people’s digital and media skills, such as photography, videography and basic design skills.

Participating countries:

Armenia, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Ukraine.


Organisers cover accommodation, food and travel expenses.

How to apply:

please fill in the application form Application for Youth Exchange “Media Transformers” by  20 of May 2019.

We will contact only selected candidates.

In case of any questions please contact Hanna, [email protected]