Молодіжний обмін у Польщі!


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Yevhenii Luhanskyi

Молодіжний обмін у Польщі!

NGO «Non-formal education for youth» шукає 18 учасників(ць) на польсько-український молодіжний обмін!

 The project “From ZERO to the entrepreneur HERO!”
Dates: 24-31.08 (with travel dates)
Venue: Jastrezebia Gora (Polish seaside)
Quantity of participants for each team: 16 young people + 2 team leaders 
Description of the project
The project “From ZERO to the entrepreneur HERO!” aims to promote and encourage entrepreneurship among young people.  36 people will take part in the project, including 32 participants, both from Poland and Ukraine, including participants with fewer opportunities.
The aim of the project is to provide young people with the knowledge necessary to start their own business, as well as support at the first stages of running a business, building a network of contacts. Participants will also consider positive and negative business cases, develop their own business plans with realistic ideas for further implementation.
During the project participants will be able to obtain information on various aspects of running their own business, share their experiences and ideas, gain inspiration and basic skills to implement their idea into entrepreneurship.
The principles of non-formal education will be applied during the implementation of all stages of the project.
Project results:
- Acquiring knowledge and practical skills from young people in the field of building a business plan, knowledge of finances, SWOT analysis, , as well as knowledge in the field of promotion and advertising.
- development of presentation, leadership, self-organization and communication skills
- a guide from participants – how to open your own business – step by step instructions
- sketches of business plans – ready ideas
- a film promoting youth entrepreneurship
- Intercultural exchange between Polish and Ukrainian groups
- building a network
Participants profile:
- Aged 19-35
- are interested in creating and developing entrepreneurial initiatives
- are interested in acquiring basic knowledge, stages of setting up a business, creating a business plan, getting to know the SWOT analysis of their projects, attracting investments, knowledge of finance, tax and legal legislation.
- are developing personal qualities such as self-presentation skills, leadership skills, teamwork etc.
- are interested in learning about the cultures of other countries, break stereotypes and prejudices
- speak (or open to try to speak) English
- are willing to be an active participant for the entire duration of the exchange.
Обов’язкові умови: 
1)Біометричний паспорт (віза), 
2)Сертифікат про вакцинацію двома дозами (Pfizer (Comirnaty), Moderna (Spikevax), AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria), Janssen), 
3)Участь в проєктах чоловіків можлива тільки за наявності законної підстави для перетину кордону. Участь в проєкті не є такою підставою.
Фінансові умови:
Програма молодіжного обміну покриває:
- 100% витрат на харчування, проживання;
- 100% проїзду до місця проведення і назад.
Страхування не відшкодовується (200 грн.)
Для тих, хто не є активним членом ГО «Неформальна освіта для молоді»- 1200 грн благодійний внесок. 
Аплікаційна форма:
Дедлайн 16.07.2022 23.59.
Заявки розглядатимемо по мірі надходження та підтверджуватимемо участь.
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