Конкурс пропозицій з проведення громадського опитування на антикорупційну тематику


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Конкурс пропозицій з проведення громадського опитування на антикорупційну тематику

Пакт оголошує конкурс пропозицій на надання послуг незалежного та авторитетного науково-дослідницького інституту, що має досвід проведення якісних досліджень та опитувань громадської думки, а також успішного охоплення широкого кола респондентів. Основною метою цього контракту є проведення опитування громадської думки щодо сприйняття та досвіду корупції в Україні, яке буде базуватися на великій вибірці відповідей, що є репрезентативною для аналізу на рівні областей.

Request for Proposals

Conducting Anti-Corruption Polling

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is a part of the USAID/ENGAGE Activity to Enhance Non-Governmental Actors and Grassroots Engagement. The purpose of USAID/ENGAGE is to increase citizen awareness of and engagement in civic activities at the national, subnational and local level.


In 2015, a Ukrainian sociological firm conducted a large-scale national survey of public opinion on corruption in Ukraine with support of the USAID/UNITER project. The survey was based on a methodology used in 2007–2011, specifically measuring public perception about corruption and, importantly, individuals’ experience with it.

 Pact will continue providing time series data on corruption perception and experience, which will be representative of all of Ukraine’s government-controlled areas. The polling will complement national advocacy efforts to gauge Ukrainians’ experience with and perception of corruption in the country and initiate national civic education and media campaigning to push reforms further in the most problematic policy and/or geographic areas.

 The main purpose of this contract is to conduct a public opinion survey on Corruption Perception and Experiences in Ukraine that will be based on a large sample of responses that is representative for oblast-level analysis.

 Pact seeks to procure the services of an independent and credible research institute with a track record of conducting quality studies and public opinion surveys, and demonstrated success reaching out to a large group of respondents. The contract will entail provision of the following services:

  • One round of public opinion polling conducted throughout Ukraine (24 oblasts and Kyiv city, excluding temporarily occupied territories). The main objective of the public opinion poll is to measure corruption perception and experiences amongst citizens of Ukraine. The poll will include approximately 100 questions and shall provide a comprehensive overview of:
  • attitudes of the adult population towards the problem of corruption;
  • citizen assessments of the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures taken by authorities and other anti-corruption actors;
  • citizen perception and experiences with corruption;
  • changes in perception and in the experiences of corruption;
  • the public’s willingness to engage in anti-corruption activities;
  • overall corruption perception and experience indexes by regions of Ukraine.

The survey sample should be representative of and disaggregated by oblast, gender and age, income, employment, and rural vs. urban areas. For the reference, sample of the previous wave of public opinion poll on corruption, conducted in 2015, included 10 173 respondents.

  • Analysis of the time series data on corruption perception and experience for 2007 – 2015 to track the noticeable changes in corruption perception and experience in Ukraine.

The final design and timeline for all tasks will be agreed upon final selection of the polling agency.


Task 1:  To conduct representative public opinion polling throughout Ukraine (24 oblasts and Kyiv city, excluding temporarily occupied territories) with a sample of not less than 10,000 respondents in April-May 2018.

  • Test, finalize and obtain Pact’s approval of the survey questionnaire in Ukrainian and Russian. The questionnaire used in the 2015 polling shall be reviewed to ensure: 1) its relevance to the current environment and especially given security risks and limitations; 2) reflection of current anti-corruption reforms and civic initiatives. The review process should include consultations with key stakeholders.
  • Design representative survey methodology, ensuring that the margin of error is +/-2%.
  • Organize, conduct and oversee the field interviews.
  • Code and key the respondents in SPSS and CSV data files.
  • Validation and verification of data.
  • Develop tabulated XLS report of cross-tables for each variable.
  • Compile research passport (description of methodology), code book for online publishing.
  • Disaggregate data based on regions, gender, age, rural vs. urban areas, income, and employment; prepare a draft presentation in visual (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) format on the survey results in English and Ukrainian.
  • Cross-tabulate data upon further requests.
  • Report on the survey results in English and Ukrainian.

 Task 2:  Conduct analysis of the time series data on corruption perception and experience for 2007 – 2015 and results of the conducted opinion poll.

  • Identify noticeable changes in corruption perception and experience in Ukraine (and across its regions) with time,
  • Disaggregate and cross-tabulate data upon further requests.
  • Prepare a draft presentation in visual (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) format on the survey results in English and Ukrainian.
  • Prepare report on the analysis results in English and Ukrainian; publish the report upon obtaining Pact’s approval and reviewing its draft in consultations with key stakeholders.


Task 1:

  • Questionnaire finalized and approved by Pact (in Ukrainian, Russian and English).
  • Data in SPSS and CSV format, codebook, narrative research description in English and Ukrainian.
  • Cross-tabulated data tables for each variable.
  • Presentation on survey results in English and Ukrainian.
  • Report on the survey results in English and Ukrainian.

Task 2:

  • Narrative methodology description for comparing time series data in English and Ukrainian.
  • Time series data for each variable.
  • Presentation on time series data analysis results in English and Ukrainian.

Report on the analysis results prepared for publication in English and Ukrainian.

 Tentative duration of the Contract

Pact plans to select the polling agency for a single 5-month contract.

 Eligibility criteria

Ukrainian polling agencies, polling agencies from foreign countries falling under Authorized USAID Geographic Code 110 (the United States, the independent states of the former Soviet Union, or a developing country, but excluding any country that is a prohibited source), or consortia of Ukrainian polling agencies and Ukrainian not-for-profit organizations, with proven experience in conducting national surveys and strong capacity for research, analysis and research communication.

 Payment schedule

The payment schedule is subject to negotiation between Pact and selected polling agency.

 Deadline for proposal submission is March 14, 2018 by 18:00. Submit proposals by e-mail to [email protected] with the subject: “RFP for AC Polling”.

 Proposal must include:

  • Narrative proposal: research description with proposed approach to sampling and polling, expected timeline and previous experience of organization in the field.
  • Approach to strategic communication and guidelines.
  • Cost proposal with detailed figures. The cost proposal form is downloadable from here.

 Evaluation criteria

Each proposal will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated capacity for managing large-scale public opinion research. (20 points)
  • Proven research experience in the area of anti-corruption and/or citizens’ perception of reforms. (30 points)
  • Approach to sampling and polling, expected timeline. (30 points)
  • Proven ability to provide high-quality visual communication products. (25 p0ints)
  • Reasonableness of the cost proposal. (45 points)

 Important notices:

  • Proposals must be submitted in English.
  • Bidders will be notified of the status of their application in writing by e-mail.
  • Decisions are final and cannot be subject to reconsideration.
  • Submitted proposals cannot be returned or reviewed.


Questions regarding this RFP may be sent to [email protected] no later than February 20, 18:00, with the subject “Questions re: RFP for Anti-Corruption Polling”. Pact has no obligation to provide clarifications to questions received after this date. Replies will be provided by February 23, 18:00. To ensure fairness and transparency of the selection process, Pact cannot give a prior opinion on proposals. No individual replies will be given to questions. All questions and answers as well as other important notices during the selection process will be sent to all who submitted questions, as appropriate, and announced on USAID/ENGAGE Facebook page www.facebook.com/usaidengage.

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