Конкурс: 2021 U.S.-Ukraine Cybersecurity Research Competitiоn


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Конкурс: 2021 U.S.-Ukraine Cybersecurity Research Competitiоn

CRDF Global is currently accepting proposals from joint teams of U.S. and Ukrainian researchers for the 2021 U.S.-Ukraine Cybersecurity Research Competition.  

In today’s interconnected world, cyberattacks are quickly becoming a frequent, costly, and dangerous occurrence. Governments, small businesses, large corporations, and individuals are all at risk of losing their identity, large sums of money, and personal information. The average cost of a malware attack on a company is $2.4 million. Businesses and governments are exponentially increasing their spending on cybersecurity-related jobs and programs each year.  

To that end, CRDF Global is currently accepting proposals from joint teams of U.S. and Ukrainian researchers focusing on cybersecurity research including, but not limited to big data, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), 5G networks, security as a service (SECaaS), and others.  

Awards of up to $150,000 ($75,000 for the Ukraine team and $75,000 for the U.S. research team) will be provided for 12 months.   

All proposals must be submitted no later than Friday, February 26, 2021 (23:59) U.S. Eastern Standard Time (EST): 

  • Once in CRDF Global’s electronic format submit your application through CRDF’s grant management system: https://crdfglobal.fluxx.io/dashboard/index.

  • Upon email submission of your abstract by February 5, 2021, you will be provided a Fluxx account to complete your application. 

  • Full application package can be found by following this link

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