Funding Opportunity: Annual Program Statement No. 26 | Reform Content (грант))


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Funding Opportunity: Annual Program Statement No. 26 | Reform Content (грант))

USAID Transformation Communications Activity

Notice of Funding Opportunity

Annual Program Statement No. 26 | Reform Content

The USAID Transformation Communications Activity (TCA), implemented by Chemonics International, is seeking concept papers for activities designed to communicate the positive benefits of reforms in Ukraine. The grants will be awarded and implemented in accordance with USAID and US Government regulations governing grants under contracts and TCA’s internal grant management policies. TCA is awarding grants to Ukrainian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) civil society organizations (CSOs) [not-for-profit and for-profit], local content creators (producers/creators) registered as private entrepreneurs who can demonstrate an organizational and staffing structure to constitute full organizational abilities to carry out proposed grant activities (Individuals are not eligible to apply for this APS), local cooperatives, private enterprises, and educational institutions to develop creative concepts and ideas for projects to help communicate the positive benefits of reforms in Ukraine. The objectives of the activity are to:

Target a wide range of audiences that are more likely to be undecided or against in their support for reforms.

  1. Promote reforms that target lowering the level of corruption in Ukraine, that help Ukraine to become a part of a democratic European community, and that provide concrete, positive effects on the lives of regular Ukrainians.

The project held an online pre-application workshop on Friday, November 5th via Zoom from 1:00PM to 4:00PM. The recording of the workshop is available here.

The full Annual Program Statement and application materials can be found at the following link.

The first round of questions are due by November 8, 2021 at 17:00 PM and initial concept papers are due by November 19, 2021 at 17:00. All questions and concept papers should be submitted to [email protected] following the instructions in the full APS.


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