Custоm eLearning Development Technical Vendor


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Custоm eLearning Development Technical Vendor

CRDF Glоbal is seeking for the local experts for the Program activities in Ukraine

Submission Deadline: August 30, 2023, 6 pm Kyiv time

CRDF Global organizes a wide variety of programming centered around E-learning courses development including: content development with focus on different stakeholders, content localization and adaptation.

CRDF Global will deliver cyber security training courses for a variety of stakeholders. In cooperation with Ukrainian and International Cyber security experts, CRDF Global will develop new and leverage its existing cyber hygiene e-learning platform for the target audience.

Scope & Tasks:

RFP Technical Expertise: Custom E-learning development

The main goal of the selected Vendor will be to develop high quality eLearning platforms on Cyber security. The selected Technical Vendor would be expected to provide contracted services such as, but not limited to:

Bespoke eLearning content development: instructional design and storyboarding; creative graphic design (including: eLearning UI design, characters, locations, objects etc.); deal with the content development using the following authoring tools: Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, Trivantis Lectora, Adapt framework; create 2D/3D cartoon-styled animation; maintain the gamified eLearning development (including: story-based learning, scenario based gamified cases and simulators); create video shooting and postproduction, support professional voiceover narration, monitor the quality of the material handed over to the client (use a style guide, i.e. clarity of texts, absence of lexical / syntactical / grammatical errors, consistency of style across all course modules, and use quality control measures).

  1. Bespoke eLearning content localization: create textual, graphic and animated content translation and adaptation, conduct voiceover translation and adaptation and video content translation and adaptation
  2. Create eLearning templates: develop course starter templates, interactive and gamified, conduct video content translation and adaptation
  3. Marketing content development: develop and design the landing pages, conduct the creative design of posters and banners, make animated teasers
  4. Teasers Development, Localization and adaptation
  5. Provide quality project management services: clearly define roles and responsibilities, create detailed work schedules and update it in time, provide timely all needed project’s documentation.
  6. Development of training and brie Collaborating with the Senior Operations Manager, Senior Project Leads, and Project Leads to develop actionable projects based on conceptual policy ideas.
  7. Find materials for varied Ukrainian and international audiences in both government and private sectors, educational institutions, and/or civil society.
  8. Delivery of an After-Action Report summarizing observations, successes, lessons learned, and recommendations for future programming on the relevant topic.
  9. Providing technical advice, guidance, and leadership to CRDF Global colleagues on designing and implementing technical components of cybersecurity and/or CTR projects.
  10. Providing technical development and set-up of virtual servers, virtual competition/CTF/hackathons environments, scoreboard and events participants virtual workstations
  11. Providing technical installations of software and/or hardware according to the developed event/competition/workshop/CTF/hackathon network and scenarios

This is information may serve for announcement purpose only:

Interested candidates must request the Request for Proposal (RFP) document with the detailed requirements from Oleksiy Fomin <[email protected]>.   

Please indicate the RFP number in the “subject” line of your request: #RFP-18-UA-2023

Proposal submission deadline: August 30, 2023 (6:00 PM, Kyiv)

Please note: the relations with the winning applicant/s will be governed by the General Service Agreement, it does not suppose employment at the CRDF Global.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Інноваційні рішення для сільського розвитку

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Конкурс на закупівлю обладнання (фліпчарт, колонка, ноутбук, подовжувач, проєктор, проекційний екран, миша, флеш пам'ять)

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