Consultant on data visualization / Консультант/ка з візуалізації даних


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вакансія vacancy job
Consultant on data visualization / Консультант/ка з візуалізації даних

Pact seeks the consultant on data visualization at online Portal of Strategic Information on gender equality and women’s rights for the GAC-funded project “Women of Ukraine:  heard, capable, resilient” (WOU), which is aimed at the increased enjoyment of human rights by women and girls, and the advancement of gender equality in Ukraine. 

Main purpose of consultancy:

  • Collect data on the list of indicators to monitor gender equality
  • Finalize the set of indicators for visualization in 2021 based on data availability
  • Propose, negotiate and agree with the members on the Technical Working Group on development the online Portal of Strategic Information on gender equality the list of indicators available for visualization in 2021
  • Develop the SOW for online portal development for IT-specialist
  • Provide programmatic support to IT specialist within the process of portal development


  1. Set of indicators recommended for visualization and data for them (excel file)
  2. SOW for online Portal development for IT-specialist





Сollect data on indicators

Excel file with data

20.05 – 15.06.2021

Have finalized and approved by TWG members set of indicators for visualization in 2021

TWG group protocol


Develop SOW for online Portal development for IT-specialist

SOW for IT-specialist


Provide programmatic support to IT specialist


Notes from the meeting with IT-specialist

01.07.2021 – 15.08.2021

*Anticipated due dates; dates may change due to project needs and will be confirmed with consultant.

PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE:  up to 20 days during the period of May 20 – August 15, 2021.

TECHNICAL MONITOR: Results and Measurement Advisor


  • Deep knowledge and experience in gender equality and women’s rights issues
  • Deep knowledge of data related to gender equality and women’s rights issues available in Ukraine
  • Strong experience in data collection
  • Strong writing and speaking skills in both Ukrainian and English
  • Strong facilitation and communication skills

To apply please send cover letter, CV and your daily rate expectations to [email protected]  no later than May 17, 2021. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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