Роз’яснення до Запиту пропозицій RFР #01-CEP-02-2018 (Amendment No 1)


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Роз’яснення до Запиту пропозицій RFР #01-CEP-02-2018 (Amendment No 1)

«Програма «Конкурентоспроможна економіка України», що виконується компанією Кімонікс Інтернешнл Інк., надає роз’яснення до запиту пропозицій щодо надання послуг з підтримки секторального аналізу.

Роз’яснення до Запиту пропозицій Amendment  No 1 RFР #01-CEP-02-2018: Підтримка секторального аналізу (Sector Assessment Support)

Будь ласка, зверніть увагу на наступні важливі положення тендеру: 

  • кінцевою датою подачі пропозицій є 30 листопада 2018 року, 18:00 за київським часом
  • технічні і цінові пропозиції подаються англійською мовою;
  • вся комунікація щодо тендеру відбувається виключно в письмовій формі

З повагою,

«Програма «Конкурентоспроможна економіка України»



Subject: RFP No. RFP №. 01-CEP-02-2018 USAID/Ukraine Competitive Economy Program


The purpose of this Amendment No. 1 to RFP No. №01-CEP-02-2018 is to disseminate

responses to questions received from prospective offerors on November 23, 2018, and to amend the RFP as follows:

  1. In Section 2.2 (page 8):


The first bullet of the qualification requirements for proposed research experts should read as follows:


  • “Advanced degree in economics, business administration, or other relevant field and at least 5 years of relevant professional experience”.


Questions and Answers:


Q1. II.1 on page 13:

It says that “Industries selected for CEP’s support will include new or emerging industries in Ukraine…”

Could you please elaborate on the terms “new” and “emerging”? What criteria are used to define if the industry is “new” or “emerging”?

Explanation: In accordance with the Background of the RFP, new or emerging industries in Ukraine are explained as the following:

“…that have the potential to grow rapidly, create or expand opportunities for the creation or expansion of SMEs in domestic and/or export markets, and generate new investments and create job opportunities”.

Q2. Do we understand correctly that CEP will conduct the market research themselves and the offeror will just provide JAA with existing studies and will not be obliged to make an additional analysis?


Explanation: The Offeror might be asked to provide additional analysis as per JAA’s request. For example, it would be preferred if the Offeror can provide GDP, FDI, and employment data broken down by industry sectors (top 20 by GDP contribution) for the last 5 years, as well as total number of businesses or SMEs in each, and median or average wage for skilled/unskilled positions. These data may not be available in reports or online databases, and the Offeror will need to obtain them from statistics service and investment promotion agency.  See also response to Question 3 below.


Q3. II.3 on page 14 and A.3. on page 21:

It says that “The Selected Offeror shall submit a list of relevant technical reports by sector (e.g. food processing, ICT, tourism, apparel and footwear, pharmaceuticals, creative industries)…” and “The Subcontractor shall submit a list of relevant technical reports by sector (e.g. food processing, ICT, tourism, apparel and footwear, pharmaceuticals, creative industries)…”

Could you please clarify what sectors exactly shall be researched? All the above-mentioned sectors or something in particular? If for now they are not defined could you please clarify the number of sectors to be researched?

Explanation: In accordance with the “Scope of Work” Clause of the RFP, the Offeror must provide:

Research and Technical support

  • Perform technical research as needed for individual sectors of interest, including gathering data, reviewing existing research materials, and supporting overall assessment scope of work design and development as instructed.
  • Conduct research on appropriate technical issues that arise during key informant interviews and focus groups, drafting meeting/interview notes, and preparing briefs and reports on findings for the Component 2 Lead as requested.

The Offeror must develop, recommend and agree with the CEP team and JAA  5 sectors to investigate (offeror choosing, the final list will be approved by JAA and the CEP team).

Q4. II.4 on page 15 and A.4. on page 22:

The due date for the Assessment report reviews and contributions is mentioned Jan 23, 2019, i.e. the same date as for the submission of the Up-to-date interview schedule or tracker, which is practically impossible if the reports are supposed to contain some information from interviews.

What is the due date for submissions of the Assessment report reviews and contributions?


Explanation: We expect that the up-to-date interview schedule or tracker will be submitted on a weekly basis, or more frequently as relevant. The deadline for all works to be completed is January 23, 2019.


Q5. Do we understand correctly that the interview schedule will touch only two chosen sectors and how many interviews in each sector do you consider sufficient?
The interviews should be conducted in person or can be conducted by phone, Skype, etc.?

Do we understand correctly that the interviews themselves will be conducted by JAA (including the development of the questionnaire), and the task of the Subcontractor will be assisting in this process (taking notes, etc.)?


Explanation: With regards to the sectors chosen, please see point 3 above.

80 interviews (offeror choosing, the final list will be approved by JAA and the CEP team). The interviews may be conducted in person, by phone, Skype making sure that such interviews bring the best value/result to the overall Sector Assessment Support’s assignment. Interviews will be conducted jointly by the Offeror, JAA consultants and the CEP team.


Q6. Can you clarify the exact timing of the project (we assume some difficulties regarding the possibility of organizing the interviews due to New Year and Christmas holidays)?


Explanation:  The exact timing of the project is from the date the Subcontract concluded (no later than December 07, 2018) to January 23, 2019.


Q7. Phase 3 on page 20
Do we understand correctly that the task to ensure commitment from value chain actors to support the work plan has to be performed by JAA and not by the Subcontractor?


Explanation: In accordance with the “Background” clause of the RFP:


  • Phase 3 (January- February 2019): is the validation phase during which JAA will confirm the data collected, develop a work plan with the two priority industry value chains and ensure commitment from value chain actors to support the work plan. These work plans are due within 30 days after the final approval of the selected value chains by USAID.  This process will be done by engaging the value chain actors, support firms, academia, and business associations. 


As per the above clause we expect that the Offeror will actively participate in ensuring commitment from value chain actors to support the work plan.



Q8. Чи існують обмеження стосовно форми власності компанії-заявника з юридичної точки зору (ФОП, ТОВ etc.) і чи може данний фактор вплинути на результати відбору?

Are there restrictions on the form of ownership of the applicant based on the legal status of the applicant (PE, LLC, etc.) and can this factor affect the results of the tender?


Explanation: CEP doesn’t work with the private entrepreneurs within «RFP # 01-CEP-02-2018 Sector Assessment Support».


Q9. Просимо роз’яснити механізми сплати робіт за контрактом, в разі виставлення його від юридчної особи, що є платником податку на додану вартість?

Please clarify the mechanisms of payment of works under a subcontract, if it is the invoice issued by the VAT payer?


Explanation: please refer to the “VAT Exemption Requirements” clause.


Q10. Чи існують вимоги/очікування щодо мінімальної/бажаної кількості проведених інтерв’ю та опитувань зі стейкхолдерами?

Are there any requirements / expectations regarding the minimum / desired number of interviews and interviews with stakeholders?


Explanation: Please see Q5.

Q11. Чи обов’язково інтерв’ю мають проводитися особисто, чи допускається форма онлайн-інтерв’ю (skype etc.)?

Should interviews be conducted in person, is a form of online interview (skype etc.) allowed?


Explanation: The interviews may be conducted in person, by phone, Skype making sure that such interviews bring the best value/result to the overall Sector Assessment Support’s assignment. Interviews will be conducted jointly by the Offeror, JAA consultants and the CEP team.

Q12. За який звітний період потрібно надати звіти? Умовно кажучи, дані UNComtarde за 2018 рік будуть тільки в березні, відповідно ми аналізуємо 2017 чи 2018 роки (з точки зору ексопрту-імпорту).

What reporting period does need to be reported? Conditionally, UNComtarde data for 2018 will only be in March, respectively, we analyze 2017 or 2018 (in terms of export-import).


Explanation: We expect that the Offeror will provide the most up-to-date data available. When information is gathering/assessing, the Offeror must use its best judgement and reasonable justification.

Q13. Чи потрібно у technical proposal вказувати перелік галузей, які будуть досліджуватися на І етапі?  

Do we need to indicate in the technical proposal the list of industries to be investigated in Phase I?


Explanation: Please see Q3.


Q14. The first question is related to the overall organization of interviews. 


For the precise estimation of the project workload, hence, its budget, we would be thankful for the information on the envisaged number of interviews and their duration. Also, how many cities were planned to cover during field trips across Ukraine (e.g. Western part of Ukraine for IT and light manufacturing or Eastern/Southern part for heavy industries, etc.)

Explanation: In accordance with Logistics and Operational Support (Scope of Work) clause of the RFP, the Offeror must:

  • Assist CEP’s team of researchers with interview and focus group planning, including recommending key stakeholders to meet with, offering relevant insights about local actors and authorities, and offering advice on operational considerations (i.e. transportation and scheduling).
  • Liaise with Component 2 Lead and JAA consultants to finalize interviewee lists, and determine necessary requirements for translators, workshop facilitators.
  • Coordinate and oversee interviewee and focus group outreach. This includes providing prompt communication between the CEP’s Component 2 Lead and team of researchers, and any relevant industry interviewees, ensuring all necessary protocols are followed.
  • Advise on travel and logistics as needed, such as identifying needs for drivers, In accordance with the “Logistics and Operational support” Clause of the RFP, the Offeror must:taxis, or alternate transportation, as well as lodging if overnight stays in cities outside Kyiv are required.

The Offeror must develop, recommend and agree with the CEP team and JAA consultants all the details of the assignments as per the above list based on the Offeror’s best judgement and reasonable justification of the actions proposed assuming travel to maximum of 10 cities (offeror choosing, the final locations will be approved by JAA and the CEP team based on sectors).

Q15. Another question arises in the part of project team. 


Do we have the right to assign a specialist with around 6-7 years of relevant experience to the group of “key research experts” or “minimum 8 years” is a firm requirement? 


Explanation: Please see the RFP amendment on page 1. The RFP requires Offerors to present at least 2 (two) research experts that possess Advanced degree in economics, business administration, or other relevant field and minimum 5 years of relevant professional experience.


Q16. The final question is also related to the project team.


Considering the Scope of Work (e.g., logistics and operational support), is it possible to add non-research specialists that would assist the project team with all administration tasks or just mentioning in the Organizational Capacity Statement that such staff/position available and will be engaged in the project is enough and the CEP team will understand it by default? 


Explanation: The Offeror must provide at least two (2) Ukrainian Research Experts for providing Research and Technical, Logistics and Operational Support. The RFP doesn’t prohibit to include any additional specialist to be engaged in providing any Logistics and Operational Support.

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