Грантовий конкурс проєкту USAID «Кібербезпека критично важливої інфраструктури України» / Cybersecurity Enabling Environment Program


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Грантовий конкурс проєкту USAID «Кібербезпека критично важливої інфраструктури України» / Cybersecurity Enabling Environment Program

USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity

APS Reference No.: APS-CCI-003 – “Cybersecurity Enabling Environment Program”

Issue Date:  March 20, 2024
Final Closing Date: December 31, 2024
Questions Due By: on a rolling basis
Deadline for Submission: on a rolling basis
Submit Applications to: [email protected]

To Interested Applicants:

The purpose of this Annual Program Statement (APS) is to solicit funding applications. The USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity (hereinafter referred to as “USAID Cybersecurity Activity” or “Activity”), implemented by DAI Global LLC (“DAI”), is seeking applications to propose creative and effective initiatives and solutions to strengthen the national preparedness, cybersecurity vulnerabilities and critical infrastructure (CI) of Ukraine in the cybersecurity sector. Conclusively, the APS process enables partners to propose partner-driven and sustainable solutions.

The grants will be awarded and implemented in accordance with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and U.S. Government grants under contract regulations, as well as the Activity’s internal grants management policies and procedures.

Applications outside the geographic focus will not be considered. Applicants must demonstrate success in managing cultural and political considerations in the proposed focus country or region and in addressing the abovementioned development objectives.

The application process will consist of one (1) stage:

  • Applicants shall submit an application package consisting of Annex A: Technical Approach Application, Annex B: Budget, and Annex C: Representations and Assurances as stated below in Section IV.
  • Applicants shall prove eligibility based on the criteria detailed in Section III.
  • Application evaluation is a competitive process. Received applications will be reviewed and evaluated based on the selection criteria in Section V.

Submission Instructions

Applicants must submit full applications (with all the supportive documents) to: [email protected] in English. Please use email subject format as follows: Response to APS-CCI-003 – [Insert your Organization’s Name]

Full information on the terms, eligibility criteria for participants, permitted activities, application formats and evaluation criteria for submitted applications can be found in the full announcement of the Annual Grant Program:  

APS-CCI-003 Cybersecurity Enabling Environment Program USAID Cybersecurity

Documents Required for Application Submission:

Applicants shall submit the following documents. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

1. Annex A_APS-CCI-003 Technical Approach Application

2. Annex B_APS-CCI-003 Budget form

3. Annex C_APS-CCI-003 Representations and Assurances

  • Representation by Corporation Regarding a Delinquent Tax Liability or a Felony Criminal Conviction (per AAPD 14-03)
  • Prohibition on Providing Federal Assistance to Entities that Require Certain Internal Confidentiality Agreements – Representation (May 2017)

4. Certificate of Registration with the Government of Ukraine

Any questions concerning this APS should be submitted in writing to [email protected]. Applicants should retain for their records one copy of all enclosures which accompany their application.

Thank you for your interest in the USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity.

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